A - English language has become the first world and the most widespread in the world.
- English is the language of the modern era.
C - English language science and technology and scientific research.
E - English language economy, e-commerce and aviation.
- English language and computer language study at universities and institutes.
G - English language travel and tourism.
Necessities of learning the English language:
A - English is necessary and the process must be learned in isolation from our admiration for those who speak it.
B - English has become the king of the spoken and used regardless of nationality.
D English way of thinking as a means of communication with others and become acquainted with the culture they constitute key foreign culture.
E - The foreign language such as English proficiency kind of intelligence not linguistic.
- English is an important asset is added to an individual's mental stock.
G - Language is a tool of communication between peoples and cultures and has owned this tool and can connect with others and receive from others and influence in other cultures.
H learn English helps us in responding to the challenges of the world and technological knowledge that Ngzona at our doorstep in the era of globalization and inclusive culture.
Benefits of learning English language:
A - respond to smear campaigns through the use of language.
B - refuting misconceptions and misconceptions about Arabs and Arab-Islamic culture.
C - take advantage of the English language in the dissemination of the Islamic religion and Arab-Islamic culture.
D learn English help in the upbringing of a good citizen who defends the values and ideals of his nation and his religion.
The expected role of teachers to overcome the difficulties in learning the English language:
A - show a smiling face and cheerful spirit and patience on the part of the teacher.
B - positive recruitment of human skills in learning.
C - use modern teaching aids in all its forms and distracting all senses learner. D granulation learner language through language practice with relish and creating things real and actual use.
E - to provide an atmosphere of departure and spontaneity in language learning and instill confidence in the same learner through notice of its importance and the importance of active participation.
Finally ...
All parties to contribute to the educational process educational be doing his duty and that concerted efforts by the parties to create the ideal conditions suitable for learning and language acquisition by providing the right atmosphere and stimulate students on the initiative to acquire appropriate language skills and physical integration where the benefit and interest on the learner and then Ali total educational unwanted output required of future generations and which form the backbone and spirit of this nation and its position is difficult and precious in the days ahead.
After the language is not just a module containing the rules and words and literacy activities and written to it the most comprehensive of all it is a way to communicate with others which is a mental skill and performance you need time and patience and effort.