The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). in cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). has been ccnducting a world-wide survey of hydrogen eHl' H) and oxygen ("Ol"O) isotope composition of monthly precipitation since 1961. At present, 72 IAEAlWMO network stations are in operation. Another 82 stations belonging to natiooal organizations continue to send their results to the lAEA for publication. The paper focuses on bas icfeanm:s of spatial and temporal distribution of deuteriwn and "0 in global precipitation. as derived from the IAEAlWMO isotope database. The internal structure and basic characteristics of this daubase are cdoismcupsosseidtion in ofsopmreecipdietatatiiol n Tahned evxairsiotiunsg clpihmeantoem-reelnaotelodgicaplar.unreetleartsionsshuicphs temstpaebrlaeturiesotoapned amount of precipitation art: reviewed anp critically assessed. Attempts are presented towards revealing interannual fluctuations in the accwnulated isotope records and relating them to changes of precipitation amount and the surface air temperature over the past 30 years